Azure Digital Twins - an entry into IOT world
26 February 2022

Azure Digital Twins - an entry into IOT world




1 Professional

Registration fee:



1 Day


Azure Digital Twins is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that enables you to create a digital representation of real-world things, places, business processes, and people. Gain insights that help you drive better products, optimize operations and costs, and create breakthrough customer experiences.


  • Certificate of Participation
  • Community Support

Azure Digital Twins - an entry into IOT world

Date: 26 February
Timing: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM IST
Location: online
Speaker: 1 Professional
Registration fee: FREE
Days: 1 Day


Tarun Marwaha
Tarun Marwaha
Lead Devops at ABB


18:00 - 19:00 IST
Azure Digital Twins - an entry into IOT world

Tarun Marwaha

Lead Devops at ABB

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Uh, oh!!

It's not you! its us, we will get back online soon.

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