Developer Day - Avantika University
28 February 2024

Developer Day - Avantika University




1 Professional


1 Day


Immerse in the essential realm of Git and GitHub, pivotal to modern software development. Unlock the secrets of version control and collaborative workflows, facilitating seamless project management and code sharing among teams. Through hands-on workshops and interactive sessions, students will:

- Learn the fundamentals of Git: Understand branching, merging, and resolving conflicts efficiently.
- Master GitHub essentials: Explore pull requests, repository management, and effective collaboration strategies.
- Discover best practices: Gain insights into optimizing workflows, code reviews, and project documentation.
- Explore advanced techniques: Dive into topics like rebasing, branching strategies, and GitHub Actions for automated workflows.

Join us for a day of exploration and empowerment, as we equip young developers with the tools and knowledge to excel in modern software development using Git and GitHub!


  • Foundation for Advanced Learning
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Discover new opportunities with Git/Github
  • Live Learning
  • Networking- Social & Professional

Developer Day - Avantika University

Date: 28 February
Timing: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Location: online
Speaker: 1 Professional
Days: 1 Day


Nirupama Singh
Nirupama Singh
Frontend Developer at Reskilll


11:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Getting started with Git & GitHub

Nirupama Singh

Frontend Developer at Reskilll