AppDev Cohort 1.0
15 July 2023 - 30 July 2023

AppDev Cohort 1.0




1 Professional


16 Days


Introducing AppDev Cohort 1.0 - an initiative of Reskilll for the developer enthusiasts eager to learn about app development. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn about app development in depth using Flutter.

Become a part of the exciting workshop and start your app development journey.


  • Learning
  • Mentorship
  • Networking
  • Hands-On Experience
  • Certificate of Participation

AppDev Cohort 1.0

Date: 15 July - 30 July
Timing: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: online
Speaker: 1 Professional
Days: 16 Days


Siddharth Chopra
Siddharth Chopra
Software Developer, OPTUM


17:00 - 19:00
Introduction, Dart Basics and Setup

Introduction to the Course: Expectations and Goals
Overview of Flutter and AI
Dart Basics: Variables, Data Types, Operators, Control Flow, Functions
Installation: Dart and Flutter SDK, Setting Up the Development Environment

Siddharth Chopra

Software Developer, OPTUM

17:00 - 19:00
Advanced Dart and Beginning Flutter

Dart Advanced Topics: Collections, Classes and Objects
Flutter Basics: Understanding the Architecture and Widget Tree
Building a Basic Flutter App: Understanding the Structure and Layout

Siddharth Chopra

Software Developer, OPTUM

17:00 - 19:00
Dive into Flutter Widgets

Understanding the Importance of Flutter Widgets
Working with Stateless Widgets
Working with Stateful Widgets
Managing Data with State and Inherited Widgets

Siddharth Chopra

Software Developer, OPTUM

17:00 - 19:00
Flutter UI Design, Navigation, and Animations

UI Design in Flutter: Material and Cupertino Widgets
Understanding Flutter's Layout System
Navigation in Flutter: Routes and Data Passing
Adding Animations and Motion to Flutter Applications

Siddharth Chopra

Software Developer, OPTUM

17:00 - 19:00
APIs in Flutter

Introduction to APIs: Purpose and Use
Fetching Data from an API in Flutter
Sending Data to an API in Flutter
Error Handling with APIs

Siddharth Chopra

Software Developer, OPTUM

17:00 - 19:00
AI Integration with OpenAI and Course Wrap-Up

Overview of AI and OpenAI
Fetching Data from OpenAI API
Integrating AI responses in the Flutter App

Siddharth Chopra

Software Developer, OPTUM