Women in Tech
26 February 2022

Women in Tech




1 Professional

Registration fee:



1 Day


Women in Tech is more than simply a women's networking group. An initiative dedicated to closing the gender gap in the Technology sector. Our goal is to see girls and women succeed in these career fields, along with their male colleagues.
Being a woman in tech means building a strong network of supporters. Her team is diverse, with men and women of all colors and backgrounds and all interests. She and her teammates make mistakes together and learn from each other through collaboration.


  • Certificate of Participation
  • Community Support

Women in Tech

Date: 26 February
Timing: 5:00 PM - 4:00 PM IST
Location: online
Speaker: 1 Professional
Registration fee: FREE
Days: 1 Day


Rajalakshmi Srinivasan
Rajalakshmi Srinivasan
Director - Site24x7, Zoho. Global Speaker - Speaks about Technology, Youth Motivation, Women Empowerment, Parenting


17:00 - 16:00 IST
Women in Tech

Rajalakshmi Srinivasan

Director - Site24x7, Zoho. Global Speaker - Speaks about Technology, Youth Motivation, Women Empowerment, Parenting

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