Learn from the experts, understand the nuances of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The School of AI is a community of passionate individuals that brings together the young innovators and leaders on a common platform to ensure that innovation, progress, and advancement continues throughout the times of crisis. We rely on young learners to take reins of the future by supporting them with quality content, learning opportunities, and networking.
The School of AI is an initiative by ReskilllX under AI.nxt flagship curated exclusively to promote Artificial Intelligence within the schools across the world.
Learn from the experts, understand the nuances of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It is an experience that brings to you:
Students who are eager to understand the know-how of AI and it's principles.
Teachers who are passionate about skill development, learning new skills
Each of the below modules include talk from an industry practitioner in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, followed by core topic and hands-on activity.
Keynote – The Immersive Future
Future immersive experiences will rise from the intersection of Extended Reality, Collaboration and AI technologies. Mapping the steps of the journey that begins with the world’s most intelligent data-driven, revolutionary experiences.
Principal's Roundtable - 21st century skills and employability
Education today is posed with an imminent question of whether the next generation will be able to make a mark in the global economy, will they be able to make their way through abstract problems, work in teams, distinguish good information from bad, or speak a language other than [their own] and what are the new age skills we need to groom our students on.
Principal's Roundtable - Digital revolution in schools - Role of AI in post pandemic education (Chatbot)
We are currently preparing students for jobs and technologies that don’t yet exist, to solve problems that we don’t even know are problems yet. With AI playing an active role in augmenting tutoring and designing personal conversational, education assistants through significant use of deep learning, machine learning, it has the ability to impact the learning cycle of the student, evaluate the learning gaps and finally mitigate them.
Introduction to AI/Basics of AI
Understand some of the deeper concepts, such as data mining, natural language processing, and driving software.
Introduction to Python (Workshop)
Keynote - Career Paths in AI
The rising demand for Artificial Intelligence has given rise to more diverse AI career paths.
Principal's Roundtable - Promoting innovation culture among students
While pedagogical processes have been an integral part of the educational process, innovation and creativity are hailed as the new paradigm of a successful learning plan. The interdisciplinary design today demands re-prioritising the curriculum to support innovation culture and foster creativity where creativity acts both as a precursor as well as the outcome to the process of innovation.
Principal's Roundtable - Cybersecurity in Education: What Teachers, Parents and Students Should Know
As classrooms across the country continue to integrate more technology into the learning process, it becomes apparent that schools have an obligation to ensure the online safety of their students. To do this, it is imperative that students are given a solid foundation in cybersecurity and how to protect their own information.
Deeper Understanding of AI
Prediction, Validation and Real-World Applications of AI
Face detection in python with openCV (Hands On Workshop)
Valedictory Session
How Alexa/Google Home has changed our lives?
The School of AI is a community of passionate individuals that brings together the young innovators and leaders on a common platform to ensure that innovation, progress, and advancement continues throughout the times of crisis.